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Sabtu, 28 April 2012

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Rabu, 25 April 2012


GOLDEN GATE: THE PRIZES UP FOR GRABS: Brian Tracy:  There’s nothing like a little contest to light the competitive spirit —  and boost personal achievement! You may be a match for t...


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Live Your Life: 7 Reasons Why You Are Amazing

Your natural state is to be happy, peaceful, joyous, and full of excitement at being alive. In this natural state you feel wonderful about yourself and your relationships with the people in your life. You enjoy your work and derive a great sense of satisfaction from making a contribution that makes a difference. Your primary goal should be to organize your life in such a way that this is how you feel most of the time.
As a fully functioning, fully mature adult, you should be doing things every day that move you toward the fulfillment of your potential. You should feel grateful for all your blessings in every area. If you are unhappy or dissatisfied in any part of your life, something is not right in your thoughts, feelings, or actions, and it needs to be corrected.
The starting point in unlocking your full potential is to realize that you already are a prince or princess, deep down inside. No matter where you are today, or what you have done or not done in the past, you need to accept seven essential truths about you as a person and why you are special:
Reason #1: You Are Good
You are a thoroughly good and excellent person. No one is better than you or more gifted than you. Only when you doubt your essential goodness and value do you begin to question yourself. The inability to accept that you are good lies at the root of much of your discontent.
Reason #2: You Are Important, in Many, Many Ways
Your personal universe revolves around you as an individual. You give meaning to everything that you see or hear. How important you feel largely determines the quality of your life. Happy, successful people feel important and valuable. Because they feel and act this way, it becomes true for them.
Unhappy, frustrated people feel unimportant and of little value. They feel frustrated and unworthy. They feel “I’m not good enough,” and as a result they lash out at the world and engage in behaviors that hurt themselves and others. Remember, you are amazing and nothing in your world has any significance except for the significance that you attribute to it.
Reason #3: You Have the Ability Live your Life to the Greatest Potential
You have the capability to create and live your life as you desire and you have unlimited potential to accomplish this. You could not use your entire potential if you lived one hundred lifetimes. No matter what you have accomplished up to now, it is merely a hint of what is truly possible for you. And the more of your natural talents and abilities you develop in the present, the more of your potential you can develop in the future.
Your belief in your almost unlimited potential is the key to becoming everything you are truly capable of becoming.
Reason #4: Your Thoughts on Life are Essential to Creating Your Own World
Your thoughts on life and your beliefs actually create your realities, and every belief you have about yourself youlearned, starting in infancy. The amazing thing is that most of the negative or self-limiting beliefs and doubts that interfere with your happiness and success are not based on fact or reality at all.
When you begin to question your self-limiting beliefs and develop beliefs consistent with the incredible person you really are, your life will begin to change almost immediately.
Reason #5: You Are Always Free to Choose
You are free to choose the content of your thoughts and the direction of your life. The one thing over which you have complete control is your inner life and your thinking. You can decide to think happy, fulfilling, uplifting thoughts that lead to positive actions and results. Or you can end up choosing negative, self-limiting thoughts that hold you back.
Reason #6: You Are Special and Destined for Greatness
You are meant to do something wonderful with your life. You are special and have a unique combination of talents, abilities, ideas, insights, and experiences that make you different from anyone who has ever lived. You are designed for success and engineered for greatness.
Your acceptance or non-acceptance of this point largely determines the size of the goals you set, your power of persistence in the face of adversity, the height of your achievements, and the whole direction of your life.
Reason #7: You Can Conquer Your Fear of Failure
There are no limits to what you can do, be, or have except the limits you place on your own thinking and your own imagination. The biggest enemies you will ever face are your own doubts and your fear of failure. These are usually negative beliefs, not necessarily based on fact that you have accepted over the years until you no longer question them.
Remember the rule: It doesn’t matter where you’re coming from; all that really matters is where you’re going.
If you enjoyed this post about how you can live your life full of happiness, peace, and joy, join me on Tues, March 27th for “The 12 Great Ways to Turn Negatives into Positives in your Life and Work,” a brand new, complimentary livestream presentation in which I team up with my daughter, clinical psychologist and personal development coach Christina Tracy Stein.
Together we reveal our BRAND-NEW book, Kiss That Frog, and show you how to take control and begin designing a life you love.
Reserve your spot now and get ready to experience a life you love, filled with happiness and fulfillment. (BrianTracy)

Selasa, 24 April 2012

GOLDEN GATE: Have YOU ever dreamed of writing a book?

GOLDEN GATE: Have YOU ever dreamed of writing a book?: SEO Consulting Dear yanuar, According to USA Today, 85% ...

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Minggu, 22 April 2012

Menara Tertinggi di Dunia

About : Abdullah Yanuar: Receive Money From Your Website

Menara tertinggi di dunia, Tokyo Skytree, membuka 634 meter rakasa Tokyo akhirnya siap. Tiket ke deck observasi sudah habis terjual selama berbulan-bulan
Pembangunan Skytree Tokyo dimulai tahun 2008 dan selesai pada musim semi 2012, meskipun terjadi gempa Tohoku mengganggu pasokan.Sekitar dua kali tinggi Menara Eiffel, 634 meter, 65000000000 ¥ (US $ 806.000.000) Tokyo Skytree dibuka untuk umum pada hari Selasa.
Tiket menaiki Skytree Tokyo sulit didapat - tiket individu sudah habis terjual sampai pertengahan Juli, meninggalkan pengunjung tertarik untuk naik ke atas tengara modal terbaru menunggu sampai musim panas setidaknya.Atau, bagi mereka yang ingin titik pandang mereka sendiri dari Skytree Tokyo, inilah kami panduan untuk mendapatkan foto yang klasik struktur .Dengan langit kelabu dan hujan di Tokyo pada hari Selasa, mungkin lebih baik untuk menunggu sebentar pula - berita TV lokal banyak menghabiskan pagi hari bergulir tembakan dari pengunjung Skytree pertama mendapatkan sedikit tetapi awan untuk uang mereka


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GOLDEN GATE: Hati Widjajono Tidak Kusut

GOLDEN GATE: Hati Widjajono Tidak Kusut: SEO Consulting Hati Wid...
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Your ability to communicate determines 85% of your success. Don’t leave it to chance. Free report from Brian Tracy: Download your free report now.
Blessed with the gift of gab but still not getting results from networking? Let Brian Tracy show you how to communicate better: Download your free report now.
Effective communication is a learned skill. Improve yours. Free report from Brian Tracy: Download your free report now.
Are you mastering the 2 key components of communication? Free report from Brian Tracy: Download your free report now.
Why do so many people miss the point? Fix this – learn from Brian Tracy, free: Download now.

Did you know your ability to communicate effectively determines 85% of your success? So if you’re not experiencing all the success you want to, chances are you’re not communicating as effectively as you need to be. Luckily my friend and colleague Brian Tracy, success expert and owner of a multi-million-dollar international corporation, specializes in success; and specifically, in communication. He’s put together a free report, “Getting Your Ideas Across,” and you can get it here, now, and begin improving YOUR communication skills: Download your free report now.
Are you falling victim to one or both of the 2 major myths about communication? If you are, you may not be communicating as well as you need to be to experience the success you crave. My friend and colleague Brian Tracy dispels these 2 myths, and reveals the 3 elements in direct communication, 2 things more important than the words you choose, and why so many people miss the point, in his new free report, “Getting Your Ideas Across.” Download the free report now: Download your free report now.