GOLDEN GATE: "How to Write a Book"

Blog Entry
me, You Never Outdated
By: Yan Abdullah
Your New People Today. Live the life you
are new every morning. You wake up,
continue your efforts to achieve the goal. Focus
and gave up all the time,opportunity and the power
is maximum. Jump and break through all of the
damagedorgan tantangan.Semua God has been replaced with new
ones. Organs when usedwill always be replaced with new
ones, if the clothing, when worn become obsolete.
Strong suggestion yourself, Do not
make yourself old and sick
Wake up your soul and awaken your body
You People Just today, Think positive and act
A good mind just was not enough.
There should be
a force in
the so-called soul ormental.
Therefore strengthen your soul. Take
control of your feelings, make
itemotional energy that will affect
the motion, and the organ of thought. Trust
me withyour
strong spirit and menthal will always look new.
Skin and face may change
according to the laws of nature.
But the Soul Belongs
to the Lord, he is eternalnever to old to
move only the natural sound of air akhirat.
Lagu nationality Indonesia:
"Get up soul, Wake up his body"
Of healthy life and healthy body, will be
born healthy mind, consider the motto of the
sport. "Man in Corpore Sana Sana"
clear between the
two elements are createdbody and soul good. A
good and positive thoughts were obtained from the
imbalance between analysis (ratio / thinking), with Rasa (innerenergy / menthal).Good in
others, like for themselves. Positive thinking will be
reflected by the actions that have the support of others
and have more pengikut.Disamping that you and Iwould imitate
the life journey of great men and successful, such as Brian Tracy andhis kingdom BTI. Let us
follow the techniques and methods yan did. Why
not .
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Women's Clothing Minangkabau
Women's clothing Minangkabau in
central Sumatra, is in the three provinces, namely Riau, Jambi and most
cultured people in West Sumatera Minankabau. Traditional clothing shall be worn
as in photos of women in Minankabau, regardless of the weather, fitting or
rain, day or night. Each woman will wear traditional clothes differ according
to age, young, old and in the customary position. Clothing above are for adult
women and the role (stakeholders) in the Peoples.
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Deal Minangkabau People Embrace
the Maternal Lineage.

Child's tribe of Indonesia one of them named Minangkabau, located in the province of West Sumatra. This Minangkabau tribe adheres to the maternal lineage, not the father of the line, like the other tribes. Where to start? These unresolved arkeology experts to date. A site of archaeological heritage in the form of large stone called Menhir megalithikum cultural heritage (developed 2000-2500 BC). The one stone that describes the information that leads to descendants of the tribe, found in Guguak. a subdistrict in the district fifty City, West Sumatera Province. Written on the stone images of women and gender on it there is a bird carrying eggs. A strong suspicion that this place was my first time making a deal Minangkabau people embrace the maternal lineage.
Brian Tracy Team's 30 Day Goals
Brian Tracy Team's 30 Day Goals
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